Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Gathering

The Gathering tells the story of sixteen-year-old Maya and the strange happenings in her isolated Vancouver Island town. It all starts when her best friend, the captain of the swim team, drowns while swimming in a calm lake. Soon after, the mountain lions, which live in the surrounding forest, start approaching her, and she begins to realize that more than meets the eye is afoot in her town. As she begins to lean more about her friend’s death, she discovers some shocking secrets that may change the way she looks at the world - forever. Action-packed from its first pages, this book is a must-read. Its fantastic story mixed with very real-life characters brings out the best in both fantasy and realistic fiction. This book was easy to relate to because of Maya’s love of nature and wildlife, especially big cats. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in a story that will thoroughly invest you in each character, and leave you craving for for the next book.
Sophie, 12

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