Monday, February 13, 2012

DJ Rising

DJ Rising is a heartfelt book that tells the story of a teenage boy with an almost impossible dream. The main character, Marley, has a tough life. With his father dead, a drug addicted mother, a school scholarship to sustain, and a job to work at six days a week, Marley barely has any time to be a normal teenager. But in the free time he does have, Marley breathes and dreams music and becoming a famous DJ. So when his friends hook him up with the gig of a lifetime, how could he say no? But, just as things are looking promising for Marley’s future, it starts tumbling down. I liked how the author allowed the reader into Marley’s mind, making them feel as if they were really experiencing his roller-coaster life. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a truly touching story.

Joy, 13

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